The Characters of Fallout: New Vegas

The Main Characters

The Courier - The Courier, also known as Courier Six, is the player character and main protagonist of Fallout: New Vegas. They worked for the Mojave Express, to deliver the Platinum Chip to Mr. House in the New Vegas Strip. However, they were stopped by Benny and his gang, and shot dead for the chip. Luckily, they were nursed back to health in Goodsprings, starting the story of New Vegas.

Robert House - Robert Edwin House, typically known as Mr. House, is the enigmatic ruler of New Vegas. He is displayed as an image on a computer screen, however, he is actually what is essentially a corpse being kept alive, in a decontamination pod deep in his casino, the Lucky 38. He was born before the Great War, establishing New Vegas from its pre-war remains, and is the founder of RobCo Industries.

Aaron Kimball - President Aaron Kimball is the current president of the New California Republic in 2281. A devoted citizen and retired decorated NCR Army general, Kimball rose atop the political ladder in the NCR using his military service and war hero status. In 2273, he became a representative of the Hub. Later on, in the same year, Kimball ousted incumbent Wendell Peterson as president of the New California Republic and won reelection in 2278. Kimball secured his position with his hardline stances on political issues, despite his failures, such as the Mojave Campaign, an elongated, seven-year annexation of the Mojave Wasteland.

Caesar - Caesar, born Edward Sallow, is the leader, dictator and co-founder of Caesar's Legion in 2281. Under his command the Legion has been building up a presence in the Mojave Wasteland, fighting a prolonged war with the New California Republic for control of the region.

Yes Man - Yes Man is an AI program that serves as Benny's assistant and right-hand man in 2281. He is a modified PDQ-88b securitron with a unique personality, serving as an integral part of Benny's scheme to take control of New Vegas. Yes Man will assist the Courier directly in the Independent New Vegas main questline.

The Strip Families

The Chairmen - The Chairmen and their casino, the Tops, embody an ancient "cool" aesthetic of Vegas, plucked from Mr. House’s historical data banks. Before The Strip’s renovation in 2274, the Chairmen were a warrior tribe named the Mojave Boot-Riders. The Boot-Riders were contacted by a Securitron that Mr. House was using to relay his proposal for their tribe to join the tribal workforce that he was putting together to start the renovation and reconstruction efforts for New Vegas. The Chairmen became the first tribe brought to the Strip. Swank admits that, "Without Mr. House, we'd still be wearing gecko skins, poking around the ruins with pointy sticks and scalping people for giggles."

The Omertas - The Omertas are one of the Three Families of New Vegas. Before the formation of the Three Families, the Omertas were known as the Slither Kin, however, their employment under Mr. House required the shedding of their old tribal skin for the stylings of old-world mafiosos. In 2281, they operate the Gomorrah club and casino on the New Vegas Strip in the Mojave Wasteland.

The White Glove Society - The White Glove Society is one of the Three Families, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Ultra-Luxe casino on the New Vegas Strip in 2281. The White Glove Society is a former tribe employed by Robert House to run and maintain the Ultra-Luxe casino and hotel. The tribe signed a contract to turn away from their tribal identity, agreeing not to engage in cannibalism, and in turn, Mr. House agreed not to divulge their tribe's former name. Their hotel is an establishment of refinement and its operators change the subject if visitors inquire about their past.

New California Republic

Lee Oliver - General Lee Oliver is the commanding officer of the New California Republic Army in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. He appears during the endgame of Fallout: New Vegas.

Hanlon - Chief Hanlon is the grizzled leader of the NCR Rangers and war hero currently stationed in the Mojave Wasteland, operating out of Camp Golf in 2281. As the commanding officer, he is responsible for coordinating Ranger operations throughout the Mojave.

Cassandra Moore - Colonel Cassandra Moore is the commanding officer of the NCR Army forces stationed at Hoover Dam in 2281. Moore volunteered for the NCR military at the age of 16. Despite some odd looks at first, she got top marks during her training and received an officer's commission at the age of 17. During this period, she took part in operations against various gangs plaguing the NCR territory, sharpening her skills on the likes of Jackals and Vipers, as well as surviving four tours of duty against the Brotherhood of Steel in California, and is widely considered to be one of the most skilled and accomplished commissioned officers in the NCR Army. She is a noted conservative in military matters, favoring strength and determination over cunning and diplomacy. Chief Hanlon says that she is "better at making graves than making friends."

James Hsu - Colonel James Hsu is the commanding officer of the New California Republic Army's Camp McCarran and New Vegas garrison units in 2281. He is found at Camp McCarran terminal building, in his office in the northern section on the building's ground floor. A level-headed, competent officer of the New California Republic Army, Colonel Hsu is the commanding officer of most of the New Vegas garrison and the nexus of NCRA's military efforts in the Mojave, Camp McCarran. Unlike Colonel Moore or General Oliver, Hsu is far more sympathetic to the locals and less of a war hawk. He is also in charge of water and power distribution in Freeside. He is a staunch believer in diplomacy over the force of arms and cares a great deal about the soldiers under his command, working steadily to better their situation.[4] As it stands, he's stuck in a holding pattern managing troop rosters and trying to contain the Fiend threat on the western flank.

Royez - Colonel Royez is a member of the NCR Army stationed on the Long 15 in 2281. Colonel Royez is in charge of the NCR camp on the Long 15, managing supplies between California and the Mojave Outpost. At some point, Royez came to possess the unique Scorched Sierra power armor, decorated with a taxidermized bear head and various ornamental pieces, and unlike most suits of NCR salvaged power armor, retained the joint servos to function like standard power armor.

Dennis Crocker - Dennis Crocker is the ambassador to New Vegas for the New California Republic in 2281. His full title, according to the note written to the Courier, is "Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary" of the Department of State. Ambassador Crocker began his political career as a mayor more than 20 years ago in NCR, and worked his way up through the ranks. He was the head of Kimball's campaign for his successful run for NCR council, which he attributes to why he has his current position. Crocker is a strong believer in diplomacy and hopes to unite the Mojave Wasteland under the NCR peacefully. However, his work has made very little progress since Mr. House refused to even meet him in person after signing the New Vegas Treaty.

Caesar's Legion

Lucius - Lucius is one of Caesar's most trusted men and leader of the praetorian guard. Lucius is the commander of the praetorian guard in Caesar's Legion. If Benny is captured by Caesar's Legion, it's he who tortures Benny to learn the purpose of the platinum chip.

Vulpes Inculta - Vulpes Inculta is the leader of the frumentarii in Caesar's Legion and one of the trusted men of Caesar, traveling in the Mojave Wasteland with a group of legionaries who attacked Nipton in 2281.

Aurelius of Phoenix - Aurelius of Phoenix is a centurion of Caesar's Legion, acting as the commanding officer of the Legion garrison at Cottonwood Cove in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.